dma_mapper_iommu loaded 卡住


  1. Boot with a debian or ubuntu live cd

List your drives / partitioned: Open a terminal window

  1. type parted -l

Mine was sda5

  1. mount /dev/sda5 /mnt

  2. ls /mnt/

  3. cp /mnt/state.tgz ~/

  4. cd ~

  5. tar xvf state.tgz

  6. tar xvf local.tgz

So, you get an etc folder now. Go to /etc/vmware

  1. nano esx.conf

  2. Find /device//owner = "passthru".

Replace passthru with vmkernel.

  1. Save the file

Now let’s copy the file back to the mount point, but first we have to recreate the archive.

  1. tar czf local.tgz etc/

  2. tar czf state.tgz local.tgz

  3. sudo cp state.tgz /mnt/

  4. reboot

你可能感兴趣的:(dma_mapper_iommu loaded 卡住)