
## 1. Introduction

**Seven Code search tool 分类**

- text-based code search.

- I/O example code search.

- API-based code search.

  - ADECK [147]

- code clone search.

- binary code search. `Source code 会编译成不同二进制代码,对二进制代码检索.`

- UI search. `使用 UI 草图进行搜索` pix2code [14]

- programming video search. `在视频中搜索相关的代码。`  [10]

67个code search tool 仅仅只有12个开源。


主要是 ranking metrics. MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank), Precision.

最近几篇文章还报告了 R@1, R@5 这些。


- Standard Benchmark.

- Inprove Machine Learning Models. 训练数据,跨模态表示,loss function.

- Model Fusion. DL model, traditional IR model...

- Cross-Language Searches.

- Search Tasks. UI codes, code used in programming videos. 这些新任务。

## 2. Background

一个通常的 working flow, 有7个模块。


- Query. 主要是自然语言。 **[56, 85, 103] 支持结构化的 code-based query.**

- Codebase. 不同语言,不同来源。

- Code Analysis Technique. 如何从 code 中挖掘更多**programming knowledge?** AST (抽象语法树) [136, 145]. CFG (控制流程图) [21, 130]. Call Graph (变量方法的调用关系) [74, 75].

- Modeling Technique.

  - Traditional IR.

  - 启发式、手工设计特征、matching score.

  - ML model

- Auxiliary Technique (辅助技术,**可以调研一下**).

  - Query reformulation.

  - Code Cluster.

  - Feedback learning.

- Evaluation Method.

- Performance Measures.

## 3. Methodology

Empirical study: Analyze the search logs of existing code search tools [6, 7, 26, 37, 38, 89, 104, 105, 138, 142].  这个挺有意思的,分析真实场景中的 search logs.

## 5 现有代码搜索工具中的关键组件

### 5.1 Code Analysis Technique


**Semantics Analysis** 解析程序组成和依存关系

AST (抽象语法树) [136, 145]. CFG (控制流程图) [21, 130]. Call Graph (变量方法的调用关系) [74, 75].

**Relevancy Analysis**: code 与 query 的关系。

- Code difference. 识别 query 和 code 相似和不同的部分,缩小搜索范围

- static code slice. 过滤不相关的代码。

- symbolic execution.

### 5.2 Modeling Techniques


IR Models

- TF-IDF, BM25

- Boolean models 支持使用 "AND" 操作符。[86, 143]

Heuristic Models (启发式)

ML Models

### 5.3 Auxiliary techniques (辅助技术)

Inverted Index

Query Reformulation: **Expand & replace**

Code Clustering

Feedback Learning

## 7 Code Search Evaluation



Challenge 1: Diversity of the Codebase.

Challenge 2: Limited Queries.

Challenge 3: Model Construction Issues. DL model 参数过多,对训练数据的质量有要求。

Challenge 4: Evaluation Issues.

Challenge 5: Limited Performance Measures.

Challenge 6: Replication Issues.

Opportunity 1: Better Benchmarks.

Opportunity 2: DL-Based Model with Big Data.

Opportunity 3: Fusion of Different Types of Models.

Opportunity 4: Multi-Language Tool.

Opportunity 5: New Code Search Tasks.
