
1. 使用RYU做mininet的控制器

1.1 RYU介绍与安装


  • 建议使用高版本的Ubuntu系统安装ryu,否则会有各种错误,安装过程比较简单,如下:
apt install gcc libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
pip3 install ryu
  • 安装完成之后查看版本号:
ryu --version


1.2 使用RYU做mininet的控制器

  • 先启动mininet,设置为远程控制器,配置IP和端口:
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6653

注:从OpenFlow 1.3.3 (EXT-133)版本以后,IANA 分配给 OpenFlow 的端口号是 6653,但有些应用仍然使用6633,所以设置监听端口为6653和6633都行

  • 进入ryu/ryu/app目录,然后启动相应模块,
ryu-manager --verbose simple_switch_13.py ofctl_rest.py rest_topology.py



  • 得到某台交换机状态信息

    "dp_desc": "None",(datapath的描述信息)
    "sw_desc": "2.0.2",(软件机的描述信息)
    "hw_desc": "Open vSwitch",(交换机描述信息)
    "serial_num": "None",(序列号)
    "mfr_desc": "Nicira, Inc."(生产商信息)
  • 查看交换机当前的流表:

"1": [
      "actions": [ "OUTPUT:3" ],(动作,转发到3 号端口)
      "idle_timeout": 0,(空闲后存活时间)
      "cookie": 0,
      "packet_count": 2,(包计数)
      "hard_timeout": 0,(存活时间)
      "byte_count": 140,(比特计数)
      "duration_nsec": 111000000,
      "priority": 32768,(优先级)
      "duration_sec": 985,(已经存活时间)
      "table_id": 0,(在流表1"match": (匹配字段)
        "dl_dst": "02:28:7c:93:27:af",(过滤目的地址为02:28:7c:93:27:af的包,就是去主机3的包)
        "in_port": 2(2号端口进入)
  • 查询指定交换机上所有流表的统计信息

  • 得到端口的统计信息

  • 得到端口配置信息:


# 获取交换机列表
GET /stats/switches

# 获取某台交换机的设备信息
GET /stats/desc/<dpid>

# get flows desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>

# get flows desc stats of the switch filtered by the fields
POST /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>

# 得到指定交换机的所有flow的状态信息
GET /stats/flow/<dpid>

# 有条件地查询某台交换机的流表
POST /stats/flow/<dpid>

# 查询指定交换机的全局统计流表的字段
GET /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>

# 有条件的查询指定交换机的全局统计流表的字段
POST /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>

#  查询指定交换机上所有流表的统计信息
GET /stats/table/<dpid>

# get table features stats of the switch
GET /stats/tablefeatures/<dpid>

# 得到端口的统计信息
GET /stats/port/<dpid>[/<port>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional

# get queues stats of the switch
GET /stats/queue/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
# Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
#       If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
#       please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
#       e.g. GET /stats/queue/1/ALL/1

# get queues config stats of the switch
GET /stats/queueconfig/<dpid>[/<port>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional

# get queues desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/queuedesc/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
# Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
#       If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
#       please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
#       e.g. GET /stats/queuedesc/1/ALL/1

# get meter features stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterfeatures/<dpid>

# get meter config stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterconfig/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional

# get meter desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterdesc/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional

# get meters stats of the switch
GET /stats/meter/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional

# get group features stats of the switch
GET /stats/groupfeatures/<dpid>

# get groups desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/groupdesc/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
# Note: Specification of group id is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later)

# get groups stats of the switch
GET /stats/group/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
# Note: Specification of group id is optional

# get ports description of the switch
GET /stats/portdesc/<dpid>[/<port_no>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later)
# 添加流表项
POST /stats/flowentry/add

# 修改所有匹配的流表项
POST /stats/flowentry/modify

# modify flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
POST /stats/flowentry/modify_strict

# delete all matching flow entries
POST /stats/flowentry/delete

# delete flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
POST /stats/flowentry/delete_strict

# delete all flow entries of the switch
DELETE /stats/flowentry/clear/<dpid>

# add a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/add

# modify a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/modify

# delete a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/delete

# add a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/add

# modify a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/modify

# delete a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/delete

# modify behavior of the physical port
POST /stats/portdesc/modify

# modify role of controller
POST /stats/role

# send a experimeter message
POST /stats/experimenter/<dpid>

具体操作方法见RYU实战,REST API流表控制1,RYU实战,REST API流表控制2

2.3 网络拓扑的可视化


ryu-manager gui_topology/gui_topology.py



ryu-manager gui_topology/gui_topology.py --observe-links



 if eth.ethertype == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_LLDP:
 	# ignore lldp packet

