

英文 中文
When did you... first notice it? 你最开始注意到是什么时候
Ah, well, the pipe started leaking 水管开始漏水
and the wallpaper started to get wet, 然后墙纸都湿了
and then it started to form this image. 然后就形成了这个图案
And when did you think, 你什么时候开始觉得
"Oh...that looks a bit like Sir Kenneth Branagh"? "噢这看着像是肯尼斯·布莱纳爵士"
It was when the shading started to form around this bit here. 是这一块开始出现阴影的时候
And, well, it's got his mouth, hasn't it? 这一块跟他的嘴部很像不是吗
- Just a line. - Yeah. -就是一条线而已-是啊
It's amazing, innit? Makes you think. 很了不起对吧让人忍不住联想
Yeah. 是啊
- Take a picture. - Yeah. -拍张照吧-好的
There you go. 来吧
Okay? 这样行吗
- This'll cheer the wife up no end. - Will it? -这一定会让我老婆很高兴的-是吗
Been a bit down lately. 她最近心情有点低落
Got hit in the head with a hammer. 脑袋被锤子锤了几下
She got hit in the head with a hammer? 她的脑袋被锤了几下吗
Two blokes on a moped grabbed her handbag, 两个骑电瓶车的家伙抢夺她的包

hit her on the head and she let go. 用锤子敲她的头然后她就放手了
And the police don't like to chase 'em 警察不想去追他们
because the kids take their helmets off, 因为那两个孩子把头盔摘了下来
and then it's dangerous, and the police might get sued, so... 那样很危险警方可能会被起诉
PC gone mad, innit? 警察都疯了不是吗
Yep. 是啊
So... his wife gets mugged by a motorcycle gang, 所以他妻子被飞车党打劫了
hit in the head with a hammer, 并且被锤子袭击了头部
he goes home, 他回到家
sees a stain that looks a bit like Sir Kenneth Branagh, 看到一块长得像肯尼斯·布莱纳爵士的水渍
and that's what he calls the local paper about. 然后他竟然联系本地报社想报道这事
Also, any stain looks like Kenneth Branagh. 再说了任何水渍都可以像肯尼斯·布莱纳爵士
He's got no distinguishing features. 他并没有什么明显的特征
You couldn't do a caricature of him 你无法画出他的讽刺画画像
because there's no features to exaggerate. 因为他没有什么特征是可以进行夸大的
He's just got a face, a vague, beige face. 他只是有一张脸模糊的米黄色的脸
If I was him, I'd wear glasses, 如果我是他我会戴副眼镜
big, red glasses. 红色大框眼镜
So when people said, "Who's Kenneth Branagh?" 这样当人们问"谁是肯尼斯·布莱纳"的时候
"You know, big, red glasses." 就可以说"戴红色大框眼镜的那个"
I think he's quite handsome. 我觉得他挺帅的
I'd love to look like Kenneth Branagh. 我也想长得跟肯尼斯·布莱纳一样
Course you would. 'Cause you look like fuckin' Shrek. 你当然想啦因为你长得跟怪物史莱克一样
Be an upgrade for you. At least you'd be human, then. 那对你来说算是升级了至少是个人类了
Birds love it. 女人们都很爱
Talking of birds, 说到女人
I went on a date with the fat kid's mom the other night. 我那天晚上跟那个胖小子的妈出去约会了
I'll see you back at the office. 回头在办公室见
It's about 40 quid, and then, you know. What you gonna- - 大概40镑你得...
- Where's my money? - Okay, calm down. -我的钱呢-好了冷静
- Who the fuck are you? - I'll be whoever you want me to be. -你他妈是谁啊-你想让我扮演谁我就是谁
You spent my 60 quid on a prostitute? 你竟然花60镑嫖妓
No, she's a friend of mine. 不她是我朋友
I'm not gonna charge him 60 quid, am I? 我也不会收他60镑的
And less of the prostitute. I'm a sex worker. 我不是妓女是性工作者
Oh, my bad. 是我的错
- Gimme my money! - Be careful with him. -把我的钱给我-别伤着他
Sorry, shouldn't you be wanking someone off? 不好意思你不是应该去给别人打飞机吗
My next appointment's not till three o'clock, actually. 我的下一个预约在3点钟
What'd you do with the money? As if I didn't know. 你把那钱怎么用了搞得像我不知道一样

- Bought some drugs. - Bought some drugs. They're my drugs. -买毒品了-买毒品了那是我的毒品
We could share them. 我们可以分享
Why would we share them? They're mine. 为什么要分享那都是我的
What did you buy? 你买了什么
- Smack, a bit of hash. - Right. -海洛因加一点浓缩大麻脂-好吧
I'll have the hash. Keep the smack. 把大麻脂给我海洛因归你了
I haven't got it on me, have I? 我身上没有
- I could bring it over later, though. - Right. -我可以回头给你送过去-好吧
Do you live here? 你住在这里吗
Yeah. 是的
Why? 为什么
I got kicked out of the last garage, didn't I? 我从上一个住的车库被赶出来了
I don't mean why do you live in this particular garage. 我的意思不是你为什么住在这个车库里
Why do you live in a garage at all? 而是你为什么要住在车库里
Oh, this happens. People like you 这种事很常见只是像你这样的人
just don't see it from your ivory tower. 生活在象牙塔里看不到而已
Right, I'm a little princess 好吧我是个小公主
'cause I don't live in a hole in the wall. 就因为我不住在墙洞里
Don't let him go through my stuff, okay? 别让他动我的东西好吗
'Cause I need a new piss-stained mattress. 说的好像我需要一个沾满尿渍的床垫似的
Fucking maggot. 该死的蛆虫
Don't be so hard on him. His girlfriend died. 别对他太苛刻他女朋友死了
He had a girlfriend? 他还有女朋友
Overdose. She got him into it, I think. 吸毒过量致死估计就是她害他染上毒瘾的
We all do things we'd rather not do. 我们都会做一些追悔莫及的事
D'you need anything while you're 'ere? 既然你在这里需要点什么东西吗
Like what? 比如什么
Anything. 什么都行
Anything? 什么都行
Anything. 什么都行
For 50 quid. 只需50镑
This is the worst. 这简直是最糟糕的了
I think I'm gonna puke. 我想吐了
I mean, why don't you soak everything straightaway? 你为什么不吃完立刻把脏盘子用水泡起来
You said, "Anything for 50 quid." 你自己说的"50镑干什么都行"
How many times did you have fish fingers and beans? 你到底是吃了多少炸鱼条和豆子啊
Doesn't matter. 那不重要
You've done it now anyway. Just in time. 反正你都已经洗完了时间刚好
A cleaner'd be way cheaper than this. 清洁工会比我便宜很多
How much do they charge? 他们收费多少
About a tenner an hour. 每小时10镑
- So I could have got five hours for that? - Yeah. -所以50镑可以请他们干5小时-是的
Anyway... 总之
it's been nice chatting. 跟你聊天挺愉快的
How about a cup of tea before you go? 要不要走之前喝杯茶
- Okay. - No, I meant I'd make you one, but... -好吧-不我是说我给你煮茶不过...
No, I'm all right. 不用了我不喝
What's your name? 你叫什么名字
Roxy. 洛克茜
Your real name. 说真名
What are you, the Inland Revenue? 难道你是税务部的吗
It's Daphne. 我叫达芙妮
- What? What's that face? - It's a nice name. -你这表情是怎么回事-这是个很棒的名字
Exactly. Don't suit me. 是啊跟我不搭
- What, 'cause you're not nice? - I dunno. -怎么因为你这人不怎么样吗-我不知道
It suits you. 跟你很搭
Deep down, you're a Daphne. 在内心深处你就是达芙妮
You never know what's around the corner, do you? 人永远不知道接下来会发生什么不是吗
One minute you're... 前一分钟你还...
happy and safe and smug about it, 幸福安全对此洋洋得意
the next minute, everything's taken away from you. 下一分钟你就突然失去了一切
You need a plan B. 你需要个备用计划
I... 我...
I know about your wife. 我知道你妻子的事
Julian told me. 朱利安都跟我说了
Julian? 朱利安
That skinny little fucker. 那个长的跟瘦猴一样的混蛋
I invite him in and he robs me. 我邀请他来我家结果他洗劫了我
Yeah, but you know, he can't help it, though, can he? 好吧但是他忍不住不是吗
Yeah, of course he can. 不他当然可以忍住
You don't know a lot about addiction, then. 那说明你对瘾症一无所知
I think I've got the gist. It's the one where you go, 我觉得我懂基本要点你们每次都会说
"It's not my fault. I'm addicted." "不是我的错我患有瘾症"
Everything's an addiction these days. 这年头什么都是瘾症
"Oh, I couldn't help running over someone in my car when I was pissed. "我愤怒的时候忍不住开车碾死别人
I'm an alcoholic. Will you let me off?" 我是个酒鬼你能放过我吗"
A food addiction. 还有食物瘾症
Addicted to food. We're all addicted to food. 对食物上瘾是个人都对食物上瘾啊
Worst one, sex addiction. 最糟糕的性瘾
Literally invented by someone who got caught cheating. 那真的是由一个出轨被抓包的人发明出来的
Hey, those guys are some of my best clients. 性瘾患者可是我最棒的客户
Why do you do what you do? 你为什么要干这行
Money. 为了钱
No, I know, but why... that? 不这我懂但为什么要那样
You're only asking me that 'cause of what I do. 你就是因为我干这行才会问我这个问题
But I mean, how do you get into that in the first place? 我的意思是你最初是怎么走上这条路的
- Do you remember that film Pretty Woman? - Yep. -你还记得《风月俏佳人》这部电影吗-记得
I just thought it looked really glamorous. 我以为当妓女会很风光
Really? 真的吗
No, course not. 不当然不是
Oh, right. I dunno. 好吧我不知道
You would be surprised 你一定难以置信
the amount of people that still expect 有多少人依然指望
all sex workers to look like Julia Roberts 所有的妓女都长得跟茱莉亚·罗伯茨一样
and then I show up. 然后我出现了
But... 但是
I do have these. 我有这个神器
- What's that? - Tiny little hands. -那是什么-一双小手
- Why is that good? - Oh mate, clients love 'em. -这为什么很棒-我的客人们都喜欢
Why? 为什么
Makes their cocks look massive. 这会让他们的鸡巴显得很大
Well, I've learned a lot. 听你一席话胜读十年书
- I'm honored. - Good. -我很荣幸-很好
Anyway... 总之...
Here you go.
Is this really all you want me to do? 你就指望我做这些就行了吗
Yeah. 是的
Okay. 好吧
See ya later. 回头见
I absolutely love your dog. 我超爱你的狗
Me too. 我也是
I was gonna put it in for a wash. 我本来打算拿去洗的
I wonder what I've done with it. 我不知道给放到哪儿去了
All right. Well, we'll find it. It's all right. 没事我们会找到的没事的
- Hi. - Oh, hi. -嗨-嗨
- You all right? - Yeah. -你还好吧-嗯
You all right, Dad? 你还好吧爸
How's Lisa? 丽莎怎么样了
Oh, Jesus. She's dead, Dad. 天呐她已经死了爸
Remember that, all right? 记住这点好吗
'Cause every time you ask me about it, 因为你每次问我这个

