NO.19 IT狂人 S4E1

第四季第一集 Jen看到公司在招聘娱乐经理,她觉得自己能胜任就找了老板道格斯,她也如愿以偿当上了,可是Roy和Moss告诉她这个娱乐经理的工作就是负责拉皮条,第一次接待的时候Jen带客户去看戏,结果没戏,最后还是让Roy和Moss搞定了他们,和他们玩桌游角色扮演,Roy刚好也从游戏中摆脱了失恋的痛苦。

tavern:a place where alcoholic drinks are served
rouguish:a man who cause trouble in a playful way
elves:elf的复数 a small creature in stories usually with pointed ears and magical power
trun the corner:拐弯,转危为安
snap out of it:从...中迅速恢复
feminist:a supporter of feminism
pimp:a man who makes money illegally by getting customers for prostitutes
sleazy:not decent or socially respectable
raucous:loud and unpleasant to listen to
reprobate:a person who behaves in a morally wrong way

subtitle:words appear on the screen during a movie,video,or televion show and that are translation of what the actors are saying
raunchy:dealing with or suggesting sex in a way that is somewhat shocking
humiliate:to make sb feel very ashamed or foolish
bawdy:dealing with sex in a way that is meant to be funny
dossier: a group of papers that contained detailed information about someone or something
jilt:to end a romantic relationship with sb in asudden and painful way
pageantry:the use of special clothing,traditions,and ceremonies as part of a special event or celebration

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