Windows Server上用于iSCSI的网卡的必备设置

如下的修改是iSCSI网卡的推荐配置, 新装起来的Host不要忘记改起来哦. 其原理是强制走iSCSI通讯的网卡立即对到来的TCP报文(segment)做出acknowledge, 从而解决iSCSI的读性能问题.

注意, 不是iSCSI的网卡不要这么改哦.

  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
    the interfaces will be listed underneath by automatically generated GUIDs like {064A622F-850B-4C97-96B3-0F0E99162E56}
  3. Click each of the interface GUIDs and perform the following steps:
        a. Check the IPAddress or DhcpIPAddress parameters to determine whether the interface is used for iSCSI traffic. If not, skip to the next interface.
        b. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD value.
        c. Name the new value TcpAckFrequency, and assign it a value of 1.
  4. Exit the Registry Editor.
  5. Restart Windows for this change to take effect.




On a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Fail over cluster with a Hyper-V guest with many pass-through disks, the machine configuration may take some time to come online
